TK2000 TK2000LOADING MUZZLELOADING SHOTGUN The loading instructions for the TK2000 are as follows: 1. Run a patch down the bore on the cleaning jag, scrubbing your way to the bottom of the barrel. Leave the patch and rod at the bottom, pointing the muzzle in a safe direction, and fire 2-3 caps into the patch to ensure that the breech plug will be oil free. Pull the patch and jag out of the barrel. 2. With muzzle pointed in a safe direction and both safeties engaged, measure out either FFg black powder or equivalent and pour into barrel (120 grains maximum). Do not use pelletized powder. 3. Push an empty shot wad down the bore with the smaller end of the ramrod, seating the wad properly on the powder 3. charge. Fill a spare shot wad ( of the same size ) full with your choice of shot size, and carefully pour shot from the spare wad down the bore. Maximum of 2 1/2 oz. of shot. 4. Push an over-shot wad down the bore with the jag end of the ramrod. Do not be concerned if the over-shot wad starts in sideways, as it will straighten itself out on the way down. Make sure the wad is firmly seated on the shot. 5. Cap the gun with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and both safeties on, then it is ready to be shot. SUGGESTED LOADS FOR THE TK2000 SHOT: Use #4, #5, or #6 Knight Red Hot lead shot, depending on your preference. POWDER: FFg black powder, or Equivalent - 100 to 120 grains. Use which ever is more comfortable for you or shoots the best pattern. CHOKE: Use the extra-full choke that comes with the gun for the tightest patterns possible, and use only lead shot in the choke. WADS: Knight 3 1/2" shot wads. TURKEY SHOT: Use #4, #5, or #6 Knight Red Hot lead shot, depending on your preference. POWDER: FFg black powder or equivalent - 100 to 120 grains. CHOKE: Knight Improved Cylinder Choke (accessory #900146/900147). WADS: Standard 1 1/8th ounce 12 gauge shotgun wads. WATER FOWL We strongly suggest you take the time to pattern your gun before hunting. Your sights may need to be adjusted, as may your loads. Try varying shot sizes and powder charges to find the best pattern to suit your needs. Good luck and enjoy your new Knight TK2000. INSTRUCTIONS UPLAND GAME SHOT: Ducks: use #2, #3, or #4 Steel shot. Geese: #BB or #BBB. POWDER: FFG black powder or equivalent - 100 to 120 grains. CHOKE: Only the Knight Improved Cylinder Choke (accessory #900146/900147) is to be used with steel shot. WADS: Knight 3 1/2" shot wads, or standard 3" 12 gauge wads. #190178 TK2000